Fjórða ábendingin til abuse@simnet.is vegna adsl4-105-25.du.simnet.is þar sem engin viðbrögð hafa verið við fyrir þremur ábendingum. Til hvers eruð þið með abuse netfang ef enginn les það? Það er greinilega út af netþjónustum eins og ykkur að þessir ormar grassera út um allt netið - Grrrrr..... Gleðilegt ár. -bd- Received: from jwcyiald.net (adsl4-105-25.du.simnet.is []) by rly-xn06.mx.aol.com (v108.32) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINXN67-75943baea9c63; Tue, 03 Jan 2006 16:20:29 -0500 From: postmaster@inmobil.net To: MailIn_Box@aol.com Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2006 20:15:12 GMT Subject: Registration_Confirmation Importance: Normal -------- Upprunalegt Skeyti -------- Titill: CRITIMP: adsl4-105-25.du.simnet.is [] Frá: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F6rn_Dav=ED=F0sson?=" <bjossi@snerpa.is> Dagsetning: Tue, janúar 3, 2006 8:32 Til: <abuse@simnet.is> Góðan dag. Ég er búinn að senda ykkur kvörtun vegna þessa notanda tvívegis áður, 28. desember og 2. janúar. Takið þið ekkert mark á svona sendingum? Stöðvið ormasendingar frá þessum notanda! kv, -bd- -------- Upprunalegt Skeyti -------- Titill: Returned mail: Service unavailable Frá: Mail Delivery Subsystem <MAILER-DAEMON@aol.com> Dagsetning: Mon, janúar 2, 2006 22:19 Til: <info@inmobil.net> The original message was received at Mon, 2 Jan 2006 17:19:29 -0500 (EST) from adsl4-105-25.du.simnet.is [] *** ATTENTION *** Your e-mail is being returned to you because there was a problem with its delivery. The address which was undeliverable is listed in the section labeled: "----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----". The reason your mail is being returned to you is listed in the section labeled: "----- Transcript of Session Follows -----". The line beginning with "<<<" describes the specific reason your e-mail could not be delivered. The next line contains a second error message which is a general translation for other e-mail servers. Please direct further questions regarding this message to your e-mail administrator. --AOL Postmaster ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <petermcinnis@aol.com> <hansnathhunt@aol.com> ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to air-xl01.mail.aol.com.:
DATA <<< 554 TRANSACTION FAILED - Unrepairable Virus Detected. Your mail has not been sent. 554 <hansnathhunt@aol.com>,<petermcinnis@aol.com>... Service unavailable
-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-= Bjorn Davidsson - R&D dept. Skype: bjossi_lt Snerpa ISP - Isafjordur, Iceland. Tel: 520-4000 bjossi@snerpa.is - www.snerpa.is - GSM: 840-4008 Linux user # 18150 - counter.li.org