Ykkur til fróðleiks:
Here is a snapshot of the results from the January 2001 Internet Domain Survey.
Date Host Count ------ ----------- Jan-01 109,574,429 Jul-00 93,047,785 Jan-00 72,398,000 Jul-99 56,218,000 Jan-99 43,230,000
Distribution by Top-Level Domain Name by Host Count January 2001 (top 10 shown)
Domain Hosts ------- ---------- com 36,352,243 net 30,885,116 edu 7,106,062 jp 4,640,863 ca 2,364,014 uk 2,291,369 us 2,267,089 de 2,163,326 mil 1,844,369 it 1,630,526
More information and data can be found at http://www.isc.org/ds/. The survey is produced by Network Wizards and Nominum, Inc., and is sponsored by the Internet Software Consortium.