Fwd: Tilkynning vegna netsambands við útlönd

Sælir, Það er engin möguleg ástæða fyrir því að Síminn ætti að vera að senda þessa tilkynningu á oli@rhnet.is, ég hefði horft framhjá sendingu á oli@isnic.is þar sem ISNIC er viðskiptavinur Símanns með internetþjónustu, en ekki RHnet. Því get ég ekki betur séð en að þessi sending sé hreint og klárt SPAM, vinsamlega kennið ykkar fólki eigin reglur. /Óli Begin forwarded message:
Return-Path: <8004000@siminn.is> Received: from murder ([unix socket]) by hapi.isnic.is (Cyrus v2.2.12-OS X 10.4.8) with LMTPA; Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:23:54 +0000 X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2 Received: from localhost (localhost []) by hapi.isnic.is (Postfix) with ESMTP id DA60437AFE2 for <oli@staff.isnic.is>; Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:23:53 +0000 (GMT) Received: from hapi.isnic.is ([]) by localhost (localhost []) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with ESMTP id 26539-06 for <oli@staff.isnic.is>; Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:23:49 +0000 (GMT) Received: from aker.isnic.is (aker.isnic.is []) by hapi.isnic.is (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0AAC237AFCA for <oli@staff.isnic.is>; Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:23:49 +0000 (GMT) Received: by aker.isnic.is (Postfix) id C23A28A02A; Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:23:48 +0000 (UTC) Delivered-To: oli@isnic.is Received: from localhost (localhost []) by aker.isnic.is (Postfix) with ESMTP id 784B88A028 for <oli@isnic.is>; Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:23:48 +0000 (UTC) X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at aker.isnic.is X-Spam-Score: 4.124 X-Spam-Level: **** X-Spam-Status: No, score=4.124 tagged_above=3 required=5.9 tests= [AWL=-1.195, BAYES_40=-0.185, DNS_FROM_RFC_ABUSE=0.2, FROM_ALL_NUMS=2.5, FROM_STARTS_WITH_NUMS=0.724, SUBJECT_FUZZY_TION=2.08] Received: from aker.isnic.is ([]) by localhost (aker.isnic.is []) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with ESMTP id jUUUnYWGk25f for <oli@isnic.is>; Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:23:40 +0000 (UTC) Received: from durinn.rhnet.is (durinn.rhnet.is []) by aker.isnic.is (Postfix) with ESMTP id 820118A01E for <oli@isnic.is>; Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:23:40 +0000 (UTC) Received: from toppur.siminn.is (IDENT:U2FsdGVkX1/ fmXHJMkeAQkNCHSBHLZQSc3SH0MSnekg@toppur.siminn.is []) by durinn.rhnet.is (8.12.8/8.12.8/isnic) with ESMTP id l0CBNa4N024510 for <oli@rhnet.is>; Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:23:37 GMT Received: from mail03.siminn.is (mail03.siminn.is []) by toppur.siminn.is ( with ESMTP id l0CBCLMl027855 for <oli@rhnet.is>; Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:18:09 GMT Subject: Tilkynning vegna netsambands =?ISO-8859-1?Q? vi=F0_=FAtl=F6nd?= Importance: Normal X-Priority: 3 (Normal) Sensitivity: Keywords: From: ZZ 8004000 <8004000@siminn.is> X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 7.0.1 January 17, 2006 To: oli@rhnet.is Message-ID: <OFC1B7BC56.8D6498CE- ON00257261.003CA457-00257261.003DC8F4@siminn.is> Sender: ZZ 8004000 <8004000@siminn.is> Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 11:14:51 +0000 X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on Mail03/ =?ISO-8859-1?Q?S=EDminn=28Release_7=2E0=2E1| January_17=2C_2006=29_at?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?_01=2E12=2E2007_11=3A18=3A09_fh?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/mixed; Boundary="0__=8FBBF8F2DFAF22C78f9e8a93df938690918c8FBBF8F2DFAF22C7" Content-Disposition: inline X-Siminn-MailScanner-Information: Please contact the ISP for more information X-Siminn-MailScanner: Found to be clean X-MailScanner-From: 8004000@siminn.is X-Filter: noattach (unstable) on durinn.rhnet.is X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at staff.isnic.is
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Smelltu hér ef þú sérð ekki myndina
-- Olafur Osvaldsson Systems Administrator Internet a Islandi hf. Email: oli@isnic.is Tel: +354 525-5291
participants (1)
Ólafur Osvaldsson