[Fwd: Link Finance and Trust Ltd]

Hér er svarbréf frá eftirlitstofnun viðskiptamála í Bretlandi, en ég áframsendi þeim vinningstilkynningu þar sem mér var tilkynnt að ég hefði unnið 50.000.000 pund í lottói (tilkynningin var send á póstlista). Til að gera langa sögu stutta þá er þessi áframsendi póstur orðinn að sönnunargagni í rannsókn þarna úti. -B- -------- Upprunalegt Skeyti -------- Titill: Link Finance and Trust Ltd Frá: Katherine Veal <Katherine.Veal@rbwm.gov.uk> Dagsetning: Thu, febrúar 19, 2004 13:22 Til: "'bjossi@snerpa.is'" <bjossi@snerpa.is> Dear Mr Davidsson Thank you for your referral regarding the above company. We are aware of them and as you surmise this is a scam, the Windsor address is also fictitious. The emails are being investigated by the Office of Fair Trading and appear to originate from Nigeria so the people behind it are hard to pin down but hopefully will be stopped at some point. I am sure that you will have advised your staff not to respond, if they do they will be asked for a £5,000 processing fee, if that gets paid they would then be asked for a further £9,000. We are not aware of anybody receiving money other than the people behind this. regards Kath Veal Trading Standards - Team Leader York House Sheet Street Windsor Berkshire SL4 1DD Tel: (01628) 683557 ********************************************************************** This e-mail is confidential and is intended only for the person(s) named above. If you are not the intended addressee it is requested that you do not copy, distribute or rely on the information contained within the e-mail, as such action may be unlawful. If it has reached you by mistake then please call 01628 798888 to let us know or notify us by e-mail and then delete the message. Thank you for your help http://www.rbwm.gov.uk ********************************************************************** -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-= Snerpa ehf. - Tölvu- og netþjónusta. S: 520-4000 bjossi@snerpa.is - www.snerpa.is - GSM: 840-4008
participants (1)
Björn Davíðsson